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Improved support for disabled people at work

An overhaul of statutory sick pay (SSP) and incentives for those employers who help sick staff get back to work are among a range of measures to be introduced to help disabled employees.

A consultation to be published in July 2019 will explore:

  • reforming SSP so it is better enforced, more flexible to encourage a phased return to work and covers the lowest paid
  • offering SME employers a conditional rebate to support those who manage staff on sickness absence and help them get back to work, and
  • giving employees rights to request workplace modifications on health grounds

The government has also published research looking at:

  • the behaviours and attitudes of employers in terms of the provision of health and wellbeing initiatives for employees
  • the risks and costs faced by employers when implementing these initiatives and the barriers preventing their implementation
  • approaches to sickness absence management
  • occupational health provision, and
  • types of sick pay